Click My View Smart Forms For Excel
Easy - Instant - Smart Forms - For Excel Users
Helping every-day Excel users to work faster, more efficiently and increase spreadsheet capabilities.
Smart List - automatically replaces Excel drop downs, searchable, multi-column display, multi-selection. With numerous options, which includes viewing photos, documents, web pages and enabling Smart Dependency Lists – with a new approach, that is much faster and easier than traditional methods
- Smart Cell Calendar – no more blindly typing dates – with fast selection of real working days, etc.
Smart Dependency List – a new, much faster and easier method, than traditional methods
Smart Text Edit – an automatic window for cell text editing - with basic formatting, real tabs, bullets, etc.
Smart Menu - intelligent menu - go to any cell - auto opens workbooks, sheets and runs macros
Smart Sheets – click to go to any sheet - hide/unhide individual sheets or all sheets with just a click
Below is a short overview video of Smart Forms
Smart List - Automatic Drop Down Replacement
This example of the Automatic Replacement of a Drop Down list is sorted and filtered to display items that start with or contain the letter N. It's also larger, easier to read and easier to select from and it instantly pops open as you select the cell (no need to waste time clicking the drop-down icon).
Default settings are:
- Single selection
- Sorted alphabetically
- Searchable (using partial text or words)
- Simply hide rows that you do not wish user to select
- Duplicates have been removed
- Font size is 12 (2 sizes larger than drop down, for easier reading)
- Displays 16 rows (twice as many rows as drop down)
- Scrollable - both vertically and horizontally
Setup: Nil
Below is the same list, with multi-selection option and no filtering.
Smart List With Options
This is an example of multi-column display, multi-selection, display photo (or document) and ability to add list items on-the-fly.
- The form opens automatically
- It automatically widens for more columns
- Displays an infinite # of columns
- Scrollable - in both directions
- Searchable (for multiple words)
- First column is returned
- CSV separator for returned values
- View photo, specification or web page
a) Create a range name
b) Data Validation Source =RangeName
Smart Dependent List / Cascading List
This example of a dependency list has multi-column display, single-selection and is filtered for Artichoke (art), for fast drill down, skipping intermediate levels.
- One single drop-down cell for selection
- Displays infinite # of columns
- Form automatically widens for columns
- Multi-word searchable (CSV)
- Return value options are 1st column (default), last column, all columns or an invisible column e.g. Product ID)
- View photo, specification, web page
a) Create Dependent List table
b) Create a range name
c) Add cell Data Validation - Source =RangeName
Smart Text Edit Form
This example is a cell that has been edited using the text editing window, using multiple tabs, enter key and bullets.
Opens automatically for "Text" cells:
- Calibri font, size 12 (easily read)
- Auto line wrap
- Vertical scroll bar
- Display contains 20 rows
- Use tab key, enter key, insert bullets
- Copy all text with a click
- Paste into Word retaining formatting
Setup: Set cell format to TEXT
Smart Date Calendar - A Cell Specific Calendar
This is an example of a cell-specific calendar with a rule restricting the date to valid workdays - weekdays, excluding public holidays, that are at least 5 working days from today.
This example demonstrates the error message displayed because the user tried to select Christmas Day.
The Calendar Opens automatically as the cell is selected:
- The selected date is displayed in the correct local format
- Click for today's date (it does NOT default to today)
- Fast Month & Year selection with a click and drop down
- Colours help to avoid errors in date entry
- Set cell format to Date (the form also recognizes and validates dates in General cells)
- Optionally add data validation to restrict date range.
Smart Menu - Intelligent Menu
The example lists available options.
It opens automatically and:
- Opens Workbooks or activates as needed
- Unhides destination sheet if needed
- Unhides destination row & column if needed
- Activates the destination cell
- Executes a Macro if required
- Argument contents can be dynamically varied
- Menu can be dynamically varied for workflow
Display is:
- Unlimited list - with 20 rows on-screen
- Calibri font, size 12 (easily read)
- Scrollable - vertically and horizontally
- Create menu table, add range name for list
- Set list validation for cell
Smart Sheets - Sheet Navigation & Management
This image is from Example file provided with Smart Forms,
with the currently visible sheets marked in blue.
Opens when the Sheets icon is clicked
Make any sheet the Active sheet, by clicking GO TO button and then sheet name
Show or Hide an individual sheet by clicking the name
Show or Hide all sheets by clicking the respective buttons
Searchable - dynamically reduces list based on the search text
- List - displays all workbook sheets - visible sheets are blue
- Visible - displays only those sheets that are visible
- Hidden - displays only those sheets that are hidden
Setup: Nil
Smart Forms Control Menu
Overall control of the Smart Forms is through a ribbon menu, entitled CMV
About: Displays a message box containing information about the software version
Start Functions: Starts all functions – checks the licence and awakes the functions.
Stop Functions: Stops all functions – puts them to sleep.
Backup File: Creates a backup of your workbook with a time-stamped file name.
Sheets: Opens the Sheets window for fast navigation to hidden sheets.
Menus On - Off: Enables / disables automatic display of menus.
Lists On - Off: Enables / disables automatic display of Smart Lists / Dependant Lists.
Calendar On - Off: Enables / disables automatic display of cell calendars.
Smart Text On - Off: Enables / disables automatic display of text editing windows.
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Smart Forms Pack Inclusions
Smart Lists – replaces Excel drop downs, searchable, multi-column display, multi-selection. With numerous options, which includes enabling Smart Dependency Lists – which is a new approach, much faster and easier than traditional methods
Smart Text Editor – for reading & editing text - with basic formatting, real tabs, bullets, etc.
Smart Cell Calendar – no more blindly typing dates – fast selection of the day, month & year
Smart Menu - intelligent menu - click to open workbooks, unhide sheets & cells, run macros
Smart Sheets – click to go to any sheet, plus click for fast hiding / unhiding of sheets
Free point release updates, support, User Manual, Examples workbook, Access to all Videos
Plus a Free AddIn for Cell & Sheet Magnification!