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Click My View

Smart Views Application Overview

See The Really Important Data In A View
Save Views Of Your Data
See Saved Views With Just A Click
Instant Filtering Of Both Rows And Columns
Automatic Pop Ups For Fast & Accurate Data Entry
Hide & Unhide Unwanted Rows & Columns With A Click!

60 second introduction (see a detailed video below)

Auto Pop Up For Data Entry & Menus


Searchable, Longer, Add New List Items, Single & Multi Selection

Excel drop down shortcut

Automatic Pop Up for Data Entry / Validation which replaces normal Excel Drop Down Lists. This ifaster, simpler and more easily read than using the normal Excel drop down list.


Nothing is required to enable this. Wherever list validation is specified for a cell, this will by default pop up, as the cell is selected. If you prefer  not to use the pop it can be switched on or off for each sheet.

Features and options include:

  • automatically opens on cell selection

  • larger font - making it easier to read

  • longer panel - so you can see more of the list

  • automatic removal of duplicates

  • type ahead - shortens and targets the list

  • single or multiple selections (option)

  • add new list items on the fly (option)

  • all your normal validation rules are applied

  • exit navigation up, down, left and right

It can also be used as a simple a multi choice menu​

See how to hide and unhide columns in excel with just a click!

New Version Coming Soon.png

Auto Pop Up For Filtering


Rows AND Columns, 

Searchable, Multi Selection

Shows how to hide rows in excel

Automatic Pop Up for Column Filtering - this is faster, simpler and more visible than using the normal Excel column filtering.

The pop up is much faster to use than the standard Excel column filtering. It's also more flexible and your selection is always visible. The pop up has similar features  to the Data Entry pop up.

Nothing is required to enable this. A row above your sheet is reserved for column filtering and it can also be added elswhere for your customization. Plus you can also still use the Excel filtering feature as normal.

Features and options include:

  • automatically opens on filtering cell selection

  • larger font - making it easier to read

  • longer panel - so you can see more of the list

  • automatic removal of duplicates

  • type ahead - shortens and targets the list

  • single or multiple selections (option)

  • add new list items on the fly (option)

  • exit navigation up, down, left and right

See how to hide and unhide rows in excel with just a click

Auto Pop Up For Date Entry


Always Enter Valid Dates

in correct local format 

Shows how to add excel calendar

Automatic Pop Up for Date Cells - this is always in local date format for simplicitiy and accuracy.


The pop up ensures accuracy of dates and it's easy for a user to see if it falls on week day versus weekend.

Nothing is required to enable this. Wherever date 

validation for a cell is specified, it will by default pop up, as the cell is selected. If you prefer not to use the pop up, it can be switched on or off for each sheet.

Features and options include:

  • automatically opens on date cell selection

  • large font - make it easy to read

  • helps to ensure only working days are selected

  • fast month and year selection

  • all dates entered are always valid

  • your date validation rules are also applied

Auto Pop Up For Fast Text Editing

Edit text in Excel

Automatic Pop Up for Text Cells. This is much faster to use than standard cell editing of text and makes cell text far easier to read. 

Nothing is required to enable this. Wherever a cell type is set to "Text", it will by default pop up, as the cell is selected. If you prefer not to use the pop up, it can be switched on or off for each sheet.

Features and options include:

  • automatically opens on text cell selection

  • large font - make it easy to read

  • easily formatted using tab and enter keys

  • pop up is wide, enabling text to read as normal

  • large screen plus scroll bar for fast navigation

  • text maintains formatting when copied and pasted

Auto Filtering - Rows And Columns


Named Views, Ad Hoc Row Filtering, Exclusions & Instantly Show / Hide Rows and Columns with a click

Filter excel columns and rows

Hide And Unhide Columns & Rows With Just A Click

Instantly unhide all hidden columns & rows with a click

Instantly hide all unwanted rows & columns with a click

Before Auto Filtering                  With Auto Filtering

Filter Columns On "Total Sales"and Filter Rows On "Central" Region

Filtered view of a spreadsheet
Sheet with Hidden rows and columns

Easy Customization


Easily Add Custom Filtering Criteria, Date Range Filters, Plus optional Alert & Action Message Boxes

Demo Video

On The Fly Stop / Start Auto Pop Ups

Show / Hide Default Filtering / Selection Rows

Show / Hide One or All Sheets with a click

Clone Current Sheet

Save Current Sheet as a Workbook (values only)

Merge Existing Workbook and enable Click My View features and functions

Additional Features

Menu of excel functions

Overview & Demonstration Video

Click My View is specially designed for Everyday Excel Users.

Users who want to work faster, easier, and smarter,

without the technicalities of macros or programming.


This goal made it a priority to first help Excel users who only have the core Excel facilities.

This meant focussing our efforts first on normal Excel workbooks (i.e. .xlsx files) 


A version is in progress that will enable an open VBA project, VBA programming and ActiveXControls.

Please let us know if you are hanging out for this and you'll be first to know when it's available. 


Get Started Today!


Not Sure? Then Take A Free Trial

Also Save Valuable Time With Our Smart Functions 

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